Debate Between Cowards

Hello again my friends. Today’s photo is the last of the “source” images I will be posting. I’ve decided to either take a break from posting or maybe I’ll post new photographs recently taken. We’ll see.

At any rate today’s photo was the source image that I used for this creation

Angles of Light

Like previous posts this week this photo served as the source image for another digital creation that was titled Tango ‘Til You’re Sore which can be seen here …

Open Sesame

The photo today, of a rear entrance at a local mall, was the source image I used to create the image posted previously on 31, July 2023

Writing on the wall

This week I’ll be uploading some images that were the “source” images for the abstracts that I created and posted this past month. I will be putting a link to the abstract post in the description for you to compare.

To start this off, today I am posting the abstraction plus the original image. A sort of before and after. You may clck on each image to view them separately and larger. The source image is a detail from a rail car. I don’t usually use source images with writing already on the image. But I wanted to give it a try and see if I can abstract the text enough so it has only a hint of legibility.

Many of you (who have been following my work for some time) know that I describe this process of abstraction as Visual Glossolalia. It’s the process of taking one type of visual language (a photograph of reality) then dismantling and reconstructing it into an new completely abstract visual language. Each image has its own merits and can be talked about in entirely separate terms. I think my work can be discussed in terms of drawing inspiration from many of the art movements that came before me without fitting comfortably into any single one them.

The source image is merely and simply titled “Writing On The Wall” but the VG (Visual Glossolalia) image its titled “Writings Of An Invisible Hand” and alludes to the Old Testament story in the Christian Bible from the Book of Daniel 5:5-31 that tells a story of King Belshazzar throwing a wild party and suddenly a large hand appears and writes 4 words on the wall which prophesied the end of King Belshazzar’s reign. My images are NOT religious. In fact I find the story from the Bible to be rather humorous and could be the first use of billboards (large walls with writing on them).

And now a different type of visual abstraction set to music. Enjoy “The Writing’s On The Wall” by OK Go.

Hello again and welcome to America. Here in the “United States”, home of the Christian Jihad we are one step away from making burning Bibles illegal and declaring Christianity the state religion. The religious far right has seized power and are looking to force everyone into one limited, unified religous ideal. Everything else will be illegal. And by god, if they have to be dictators to do it, they will. In addition to goofy church signs with quotes from “god”, billboards are another popular place to put sayings from “god”. In fact, they are all signed “-GOD”. And these are not always quotes from the bible. These large black monstrosities with bold white lettering create a black hole in the fabric of spirituality and life.

Well, as a Christian Atheist (look it up on wikipedia), I’ve decided to come up with my own billboard idea. I’d love to see someone pay to put this up in the ultra conservative environment we live in and I’d also be curious to see how fast someone would pay to take it down again. LOL. Enjoy.

Tango ‘Til You’re Sore
I've always loved tango music and dance since I first was made aware of this age old tradition in the 1980's.   
I was studying theater and dance at the time.  I fell in love with the music of Astor Piazzolla and other Tango masters.  Later I found the film by Carlos Saura simply titled TANGO.   One might say that Saura is to Latin Dance on film as Baz Luhrman is to the contemporary movie musical.    

My favorites of Saura's great films include Blood Wedding, Carmen and El Amor Brujo of the "Flamenco Trilogy", made when he was in his 50's and of course Tango.    Below is a scene from Tango.   Saura died Feb 2023 at the age of 91.   Enjoy.