Conversation Piece
Conversation - It just doesn't happen anymore.    There's a whole lotta talking AT one another but very little talking WITH one another.    The internet has exacerbated the situation with it's "click bait"  reply structures.  And now with AI doing the thinking and making decisions for us...well....
Will that change?


Have you ever listened to a song that was age specific and wondered if you would feel that way when you were that age?   Well I have In my 20's I would listen to the Beatles "When I'm 64" and wondered how closely what was sung in the song would match my reality at that age.    Well, turns out that what was a fun song with a delightful vision does not even come close to my reality (Now that I'm 64).   But it was a humorous exercise non-the-less.   LOL.    

Only the opening line is relevant "losing my hair". LOL
In fact the following 2 songs from my younger days seem to more closely describe my life at 64. Not looking for sympathy or pity.   Just the facts of life and aging.  


The one fact in life is that it will break us - sooner or later we all go "on the fritz" and things fall apart.  We are only brittle bodies.   Let's make the best of what we can - it all ends eventually - find enjoyment where you can.  
and I haven't forgotten you women...


Curating my older work using key words.   Today's key word is "one". 

*You to can search my old posts using a key word by using the search box on this blog. You might be surprised what comes up.